Sunday, June 9, 2013

Reality TV: The Big Question

I don't like reality tv. No, let me rephrase that. I  HATE reality tv. Passionately. Now, when I say reality tv, I mean the shows that attempt to "portray the lifestyles and day-to-day events" of a group of people. There are some shows in this category that do not deserve to be there. "Ice Road Truckers," "Deadliest Catch," and any other shows where you learn about other, not quite as accessible lifestyles are ok. I learned a lot of things from these shows, specifically to avoid these careers at all costs. Also, any show in which people are helped out of a bad situation, such as "Kitchen Nightmares," or "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition," are off my reality list. Any show that ends with people being helped in anyway is not a bad show. No, the shows I hate involve idiotic, useless people trying to come off as important and worthy of my attention. The channel Bravo is especially at fault for this, in that I can't sit through their "House" marathons anymore because I am perpetually bombarded by advertisements for their crappy "original" series. I say "original" in this manner because they are anything but. "The Real Housewives of (Insert major American City here,)," "The Rachael Zoe Project," and (unfortunately) anything celebrating the homosexual lifestyle.(To be clear, I do not have anything against homosexuality, just the exploitation of this lifestyle that reinforces negative stereotypes.) All of the people that appear on these shows are without talent, spoiled, rich. rotten to the core, pitiful excuses for human beings. Not one of them have any redeeming qualities. Oh, and let's not forget the biggest example of this horseshit that passes for television now: "Keeping Up with the Kardashians." (As a side note, not only am I saddened that I know the name of the show, but am sickened that I can spell their name.) These people are famous. Famous for what, you ask? They are famous for being famous. I've asked people what it is they do to get such nationwide attention, and the answers I get make no sense. "They have a clothing line." They got that after the show became popular. "They're on tv." No shit. Why? What got them a show? It certainly wasn't their charm or personality, or ability to relate to the common viewer. "Because they're hot." Debatable, at best, but by that logic, shouldn't more people have tv shows? Not one person can explain to me the merits of having this greedy, stupid, self-absorbed excuse for humanity on television.
The content of the reality show This trash is what passes for entertainment now? I miss the days of Carol Burnett and Flip Wilson: comedians with their own variety shows that always delivered on humor, talent, and skill. They could sing. They could dance. It seemed like the only thing they couldn't do was keep a straight face during their skits, and who could blame them? These people were truly funny and truly talented. They weren't just trained monkeys performing for attention.
The worst of reality tv is still to come under fire here. The channel know as TLC, which once stood for "The Learning Channel," has some of the most disgusting examples of these types of programs. I really can't understand how they can still call themselves the "Learning Channel" when the only education I can take away from that channel is "Act like a jackass, and we'll give you a tv show." The migration from educational programming to sludge started with the show "Toddlers and Tiaras," which was bad enough, exploiting small children for ratings. But then one of these families received their own series. Of course it would be the loudest, most obnoxious, irritating, pathetic example of humanity. Some would even call it sad. 'Here Comes Honey Boo-Boo" follows one of the the most sickening families I've ever seen. It's not because the child is ugly(although she is), or that her mother is a vile, redneck version of Jabba the Hutt(although she is), but because of the attitudes that these people display. The attitude of "I'm arrogant, ignorant, and stupid, and I'm proud of it" is an attitude all too common in reality tv. Most of the people on these shows are spoiled, self-serving, self-absorbed, greedy, apathetic wastes of flesh. Worse, they inspire these attitudes in their viewers. Most Americans can name the entire cast of "Jersey Shore." Most can't name their own senator or governor. Don't you think it's more important to know who is running the country you live in? Apparently not. Which brings me to "The Big Question:" When did stupid become something to be aspired to? So many people around me identify proudly as "rednecks." Now, I have no problem with having a country state of mind: being able to hunt, farm, fish, live of the land, be self-sustainable. That's fine. But that's not what a redneck is. a redneck is a derogatory term for a stupid person from the country. For someone ignorant, blindly stupid, and yet so many people proudly stand up and proclaim to be a redneck. How many people would gladly stand up and say, "I'm a moron!" No one? Why? What's the difference? It's the same thing. Ever since "Jackass," people have been embracing stupidity. "I'm gonna let this air cannon shoot a tennis ball into my crotch. Why? 'cause it's funny, and I can!" The stupidity can only be outmatch by the greed. There are shows out there that only highlight people, women mostly, behaving like spoiled children. They scream like banshees when they don't get their way, or when someone disagrees with them. They sleep randomly with anything they feel like at that specific time. If that person is in a relationship with someone else, it's their fault their significant other cheated. Ladies, I know for some reason, most of you find this entertaining, but take a second, step back and look at these people. Really look. Is this really how you want your gender portrayed? Is this really the stereotype that you want people to think of when someone says "woman?"
Reality television is a blight, a curse on humanity, dragging us down into the cold deep pit of apathy and stupidity. We all need to wake up and take a look at what passes for entertainment these days, and ask is this really entertaining, or do we just watch because there's nothing else on? I did, and I made my choice. I haven't had tv in two years. I've never been happier.